Saturday 4 February 2012


We managed to start prep for the DLA tribunal yesterday. Just a few bullet points for now so we know our main arguments. We're using the Benefits and Work guides. I'm a bit concerned though, as they are talking about this huge booklet of appeal papers, and we don't have anything like that... Are we missing something? Mr is going to have to phone up on Monday and find out, if we're able to wake up early enough.

He also needs to phone the ESA people, as the number they have for me is my parent's house. The thought of him doing them is stressing me out :(

Not coping as well today. I suppose this silly part of me always hoped that we'd be healthy before I was transferred to ESA. And some people dare say it's "just a form".

If I didn't have Mr and God I don't think I'd want to even try and stay alive to make it through all this. They're my strength and they fight for me.

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