Monday, 9 July 2012

Something to Help Anxiety

Over the years, by myself and through talking with others, I have found ways to try and deal with various aspects of illness. Talking it through with my husband and praying together is the ultimate calmer for me, but when I am alone it is more difficult. I just want to share one of the techniques I use to try and deal with things that make me anxious...

1. Write down what is making you anxious.
2. Write down why.
3. Write down the worst case scenario if something does go wrong.
4. Write down what you could do or what could happen to avoid the things making you anxious. What precautions can you set in place? How can you deal with it?
5. Will worrying really help this situation?

Don't be afraid to write as much detail as you need.

I'll give you an example. I need Mr to phone our car breakdown cover company because we haven't received the paperwork from them. This makes me anxious because it's a phonecall, I have to remind him to do it, and I don't know what will be said or what will happen - basically it's out of my control. The worst case scenario? He doesn't phone. We break down. We can't get their phone number (unlikely)/they won't come out to us because our registration has gone wrong. We simply find someone else to come help us out. Yes, it might be costly and involve a long wait... But it's unlikely to happen and it is not the end of the earth. As long as we have a phone and charger with us we can always get their phone number. And if they don't respond we can contact someone else. But hopefully it can be avoided all together if I email Mr asking him to make the phonecall. Worrying isn't going to help, and if it doesn't get done it is not the end of the world. The best that I can do is remind Mr, and then it is out of my hands.

It really helps me :)

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