Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Occupational Therapist.

Back in September 2010, Mr had lost his ESA claim and had been put on JSA. His health was deteriorating on it, and he started using a walking stick which we got from my late Grandad.

We started trying to find a way to get him one on the NHS, and were referred to the ME specialist.

We saw the ME specialist January 2011, and after being told there was nothing they could do for him, he was signed off to a local physiotherapist, supposedly to have a look at his needs at home.

Eventually an appointment came through, but we had to go in to see her (late last year I think?) because she couldn't do home visits.

By this point, Mr's first walking stick had broken, and he was (and is still) using a hiking-walking stick of his parent's.

The physio was useless, told him that passive exercise and massage are useless (but we know that when you can't move independently it's really very good to keep moving) and said she couldn't help. But referred us to have an OT come visit us.

She came this afternoon.

Another person who couldn't understand that the specialist wouldn't see us. Couldn't help us. Another person who claimed knowledge in ME, but couldn't understand why Mr has a weak neck, or why he has pain everywhere. Another person who doesn't understand that you just have to muddle through and push through how rubbish you feel just to live. Another person who went on about pacing, and didn't understand how we could know about it if we'd never been on a course… I wanted to walk out in tears.

Heck, she was even trying to convince Mr to spend all his time sat in a dining chair because it would be easier to get in and out of, completely missing the point that he can't sit in chairs like that :|

The medical profession are generally "nice" to us. But they'e useless. And they have all formed such opinions of what ME is, and how to manage it, with no thought as to the people who actually have to live with it day in, day out.

We are getting a shower board to try. And she's supposed to be referring him to someone else to get a walking stick. But she couldn't help us with getting handles to hold on to in the bath. And she couldn't help get him supports for his body when sitting. And honestly? She didn't get ME.

In other news, I've had my ESA form for 6 days of my 4 week time limit, and I haven't even started it. I've had a virus since the day it arrived, and only today have I been able to move my eyes without pain :(

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