Monday, 19 December 2011

My Experience: Homeopathy

I'm hoping to slowly establish a series on here of personal stories of treatment experiences... Some may be positive, negative, or just neutral. If you'd like to share your story on a treatment for ME/CFS (or any of the other illness mentioned in this blog), leave me a comment or get in touch :)

Many people have issues with the concept of homeopathy - mainly because of a lack of science behind it. However, you could say the same about ME! Many state that the positive effects of homeopathy are merely a placebo effect... I beg to differ.

I started on homeopathy when I turned 17. I had been struggling with severe depression (as a result of ME) for about 2 months, with milder depression previously. My GP offered me a referral to Child and Family (which didn't come through until 6 months later - if that's the treatment for severe depression I feel sorry for anyone else), but I requested seeing a homeopath.

We're lucky where we live, as the NHS has a homeopathy service. They are all trained doctors who can pick up on anything important, whilst also listening to everything about you, and treating you with homeopathy. They are some of the most patient, understanding doctors I have ever met, leading a very chilled practise. Today my new homeopath spent 45 minutes just getting to know me and learning about me.

Saying that, we nearly lost the practise this year, and I have fought hard to keep them. There are now less staff (my main homeopath has gone), but I am relieved that I am still receiving treatment.

I lose track of the remedies I have been on, but over the years I have been on varying strengths of calc carb and sepia for depression. Today I have just been changed over to silica - very scary to change when I've been "ok" for so long, but if it will help maintain my head further than worth a shot.

Initially, back in 2007, my first remedy transformed me. It built this wall up in my head between me and the depression. It was quite a high wall, and the depression couldn't reach me over it. It transformed my life.

When I get tired, or things get too much, the wall often doesn't feel high enough to keep the depression out. It's been more obvious lately with my relapse, which is one of the reasons we're trying something new.

The other remedies I'm currently on are sarcolactic acid (which helps ease the extent of my aches and stiffness), and pulsatilla (which I take mid cycle to ease my PMT, which can be very bad!)

Most of the remedies I've been on have made really positive differences to my symptoms. However, I feel that the remedies that haven't made a positive difference are the proof needed that homeopathy works.

A lesser example are the remedies that simply do nothing - for example I tried one or two remedies to help my nightmares a couple of years ago - they did naff all.

The main example would be early 2008. My normal homeopath was off ill, and one of her colleagues prescribed me something without taking my personality into account. (And now you're thinking what the heck does personality have to do with medicine. Different personality traits reflect different elements within ourselves, and we all react differently to different things.) I don't want to say what I was prescribed, because it might be the perfect remedy for someone else. But for me, I was in bed within a matter of days, and it took me months to recover. If it was a placebo, that would not have happened - my attitude towards it was no different from any other remedies I take. If anything, I've been more fearful towards new remedies since then. But it can't let you be put off homeopathy, as what's the difference between that and side effects of conventional medicine?

Yes, homeopathy can make you feel worse initially, but so do many conventional medicines. It's just a different route to try.

Of course for some people homeopathy simply won't help them. And there's certain illnesses where conventional medicine must come first. But most of the people I've spoken to who didn't find homeopathy helpful, tried one or two remedies and gave up. Homeopathy is about trying different remedies, to find the right one that reflects your symptoms and your personality.

It has transformed my life, and if it's available on the NHS near you, I really recommend just giving it a try.

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