Tuesday, 22 November 2011

A month later.

Can't believe it's been so long since I last posted! I have so many things I want to write about too, it just hasn't been feasible.

Mr took me on a surprise holiday, which was wonderful. But, of course, resulted in a double crash for us when we returned. The last fortnight has consisted of takeaways, packet meals, and laundry growing mould!

However, we've also had some really positive happenings! Mr got awarded higher rate mobility and lower rate care DLA, which is the biggest blessing. Also means he now has a blue badge, free car tax, and we're of course applying for free tunnel travel and the cinema pass. This makes such a huge difference to our lives! Especially as my legs have crumbled slightly, so less far to walk is always a bonus.

Mr also saw the ADD specialists at St Catherine's hospital this morning, and it has to be one of the most positive appointments we've ever had at a hospital. We didn't have to wait long, although the meeting lasted forever! The dr and the nurse were lovely and understanding, and we have 2 prescriptions for him to try, to hopefully help him both short term and long term. Yay!

In slightly sadder news, I've officially left the charity that supported me for 6 years, after changes took place (both in the charity and in my life) meaning it wasn't where I was meant to be anymore. It's weird looking to the future without it, though all my friends remain in contact!

It's half 1 in the morning, and I've already had a slight emotional breakdown tonight, so really must go... Remind me to keep you up to date with how the ADD treatment goes!

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