You may have heard the Government's latest mantra mentioned on both BBC and Guardian, "something for something".
It works around the concept that to receive benefits you must give something. Even when disabled. Whether this "something" consists of volunteering or working remains to be seen.
And, if like me and Mr you are simply too ill to work? Well. We obviously have no value in society. If we can prove our invisible disabilities are real and serious, and that we're not just "workshy", we might get basic support. But we know what it's like to prove to the benefits system that you're ill when you don't fit into tick boxes.
I have never hated this country more than since it became a ConDemned nation. Being disabled is one of the most difficult trials, more than a healthy person could understand. Add in the concept of being scum and a drain on society; add in benefit forms, medicals, appeals and tribunals; add in Atos and this horrific Government... And you're just left wondering what the point is.
Yesterdays post consisted of 2 more DLA letters. One for me - looks like they don't believe I'm as ill as I am, since they're sending me straight to tribunal without a medical. And I don't even have an ME specialist letter to help my case, since they want me to have group therapy rather than see a specialist. Its only been 11 years, I think I know how to manage my condition thank you very much. I just need some medical support behind me. Especially when my dr denied my need for care when they wrote to her. Anyone wish to scream with me?
And the second letter? Mr has a home medical next week. That crushing weight became heavier. I am living proof that the benefits system makes your health worse. When we don't have a battle on I can keep my stress and anxiety under control. Benefits battles make those symptoms flare up for weeks/months at a time, which in turn makes my health worse and takes me further away from recovery.
As does every new mantra against disabled people, every scheme against us, and every comment that belittles the horrificness of this process.
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